Friday, November 9, 2012

Public Toilet Anyone?

Fighting the urge to throw up, the awful smell keeps sneaking its way into my nose. I couldn't even begin to comprehend the horror of looking directly into the toilet bowl itself. Just awesome! It really kills my mood. Pure evidence of human ignorance on cleanliness.
Public toilets are nightmares. Well.. not all of them but majority are so filthy that I believe it to be evidence that a reversed Darwinism theory is upon human race. That is from human, we are degrading back into apes. At least the attitude...
I don't know about men's but women's toilets are very dirty. Okay, maybe the toilet flush thingy is broken but do have the decency to clean up your own mess. Traces of shoeprints can be clearly seen on the toilet seats. Squatting is not only unhygienic and gross to the other hundreds possible users beside yourself, it is also dangerous ladies. Believe it or not, there are some cases where the toilet bowl actually broke apart and the victim almost loses both her legs. Yeah, it does sound absurd but it happened and may happen to any of us.
The other thing is the sanitary napkins. Various time, I would see them lying BESIDE the sanitary bin. When I think about it, it is quite funny and peculiar. How on earth does someone fail to throw them directly into the bin? It's not like basketball. Even if the bin is full, that is surely no excuse of making the toilet as the other alternative bin right? Instead, it's a surefire way to clog the toilet.

Sadly, there seems to be no end concerning dirty public toilet. I guess it is up to us to be super aware of toilet etiquette. Unless you are willing to pay more (the top notched clean and luxurious public toilet could cost up to a maximum ridunkcolous amount of RM5), we can either brace ourselves or answer nature calls back at home. Your choice.

Girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice.. Right??

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