Sunday, November 4, 2012


Hello Hello!

At last. I have return to the world of blogging.

After reaching the age of 25, I am just itching to spend some of my 'supposed-to-be sleeping' time on writting essays that I used to hate. (My English teacher would be so proud of me right now!).
So, to all you readers who managed to find their way here, you're PRETTY AMAZING because this blog is quite hidden from the rest of the world. (OR it could also mean that you're bored enough).
In this world that never stop moving, I will be blogging mostly about what my mind thinks and what my eyes see. I'd have my fair share with the other 'I'm-trying-to-make-the-world-a-better-place' bloggers in observing life as we know it. I hope somewhere someone would be able to enjoy them because I know I do.

Thank You.
"Be the changes you wish to see in the world' (Mahatma Gandhi)

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