Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Truly Madly Single

‘Don’t worry so much. You’ll get married eventually.’ I remembered saying those comforting words to a dear friend of mine. Being only a year older than me,  I was puzzled cos unlike her, I wasn’t having those I’m-getting-old-and-should-be-married-soon thoughts in my head. Perhaps I was missing some important female hormones?
I’m perfectly aware that at some point of my life, I should grab the nicest guy available, settle down and produce a baseball team of miniature me and my husband. Since they always say that the right guy will come along at the right moment, the marriage-thinking was safely stored in the temporal lobe of my brain. Well, not until recently when my mom started giving me the it’s-about-time-to-get-married-and-produce-a-rightful-heir-to-the-throne speech. At that point of time, I knew I'd better start practicing the penguin’s dance of seduction.
So, just to relax my mind, I opened my Facebook account. Maybe somewhere someone was feeling as miserable as I am. Rather the contrary, I was notified on several invitations to attend friend’s wedding ceremonies, photos of honeymoon pictures, first born and loving couple posts. I was made to realize that while my friends are all busy ‘pluralizing’ themself, I’m left in the state of singular comatose. Thus begin my days of worrying like an old spinster in their 80s.

At the office, while pretending to be immensely busy, I started scanning for eligible bachelor. Being in the accounting work field, the guys are the perfect resemblance of either John Nash or Forest Gump. I guess in my case, there’s little chance I’ll get hooked up with Keanu Reeves. Not being a hottie myself, I know beggars can’t be choosers. But every girl can dream right? I remembered going back home with a strained back and a defeated heart.
The fact that I was 25 and single never bothered me before but now like an itch that can’t be scratch, it left me insomniac for weeks. I felt like Hunchback of Notre Dame's twin sister and I was drowning in my own self-blaming world. Still, fortunately, being a creature that take things lightly, I wasn’t depressed enough to the point of suicidal. So, after days of self motivation and drop-the-subject face I gave my mom, I was back on my feet again.
Then, like any typical movie, there came along a guy. (Let’s call him Justin Bieber since he was younger). So, Justin was cute in his own way and have a charming smile. Seated just behind my enormously small cubicle, we chatted between breaks and get along just fine. On weekends, he’d sms me and I’d sms him back. All the formalities of being in the friendship zone. This went for as long as 6 months until one fine day, Justin asked me out. As happy as I should be because FINALLY SOMEONE ASK ME OUT, unlike Selena Gomez, I didn’t say yes. Porque? It was the matter of the heart. I couldn’t say yes when my heart was saying no.
Unable to find the coach for my baseball team, I’m back to square one. I come into terms that finding my star crossed Keanu Reeves hangs on a thicker string called destiny. Serendipity movie is a good example! Being single doesn’t mean that you’re leftovers that nobody wants. Even if you feel like it, leftovers are just as good. Heat them up and they'd still taste great. Beside, guys who doesn’t waste and eat leftovers? That's priceless.

~ Whatever you are, Be a good one~
(Abraham Lincoln)

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