Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thicker than blood and water

Looking into the wallet, there’s always a dollar short. In terms of money, ironically, we get just enough just to give it away. Unless you’re Aladdin with a genie in a lamp, like a bump on the road, there will be times of ‘Mc Hammer Broke’ crisis in life. It is however to be a bona fide belief that no one in this materialistic little big planet likes to be indebted. Habitual maybe but definitely nobody enjoyed it. For sure. Yet, desperate time needs desperate measures. Left with no other alternatives, most would put on their Batman costume, saying ‘to the bat mobile!’ with a husky voice and choose the easiest way, i.e take up a loan. People that comes in mind – blood relatives or best friends.
Call it an act of kindness or naivety, lending money to a loved one is a risk similar to a no-rope-attached bungee jumping. Geronimo all the way down. Either you’ll be saved by a giant trampoline or fall flat on your face, the aftermath will most probably ‘rust the trust’ in a relationship when the I’ll-pay-you-back-for-sure party couldn’t live up to their words. That goes without saying. Just because you’re brothers in arms, there is no excuse for taking-it-lightly attitude. Instead, as strong as you presume your relationship are, when it concerns money, it is as breakable as the thinnest crepe. Sad but true.
When a person lend their money, logically, s/he is conceived as the good guy. When s/he wants their money back, if you can’t pay them immediately, you’ll feel like they’re the bad yakuza guy. Then, when either party can’t get what they want, things get ugly. Thus, ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’ theory of money lending. High chances are the borrower will likely asked their money back later than earlier. Believe it or not, some even feel guilty. No one is more lenient and considerate since it is a bet they’re willing to take for their loved ones.
All is well if within the five fingers limit, we couldn’t cash in the debt on the ground of acceptable reasons. Yes, there’s no helping it right? But don’t push your luck. The price tag you’re bargaining is TRUST. Even if they won’t point a Gatling gun at your face like Al Pacino did in Scarface, they’ll probably just hate you forever. It is a fact that the nicest people can make the worst enemy.
Preposterous it may seem but nevertheless, money is thicker than blood and water. In today’s world, it is only human. Money make things happen.
What does a man with money wants? More money.
What does a man with power wants? More power.

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