Monday, January 7, 2013

U.G.L.Y (Unidentified Goosebump Like Yourself)

Mirror Mirror On the Wall.
Who's the fairest of them all?
With skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony, every girl wants to be Snow White. Cinderella is gorgeous too but let’s pick Snow White because she doesn’t have to do much. Just eat a poisoned apple, got kissed while in comatose and’re set to be married with the sexiest Prince alive.

In this ‘Never-Ending-Judgy World’, being pretty makes life seem a lot easier. Yeah, they get second glances, extra cheese in their burritos but it doesn’t make the world a better place to live. Just more endurable. It’s a given to say that with good looks also comes great sufferings. (Hooray??).
Clearly, we have no control over how we look like. Its one of those oh-surprises in life. There’s absolutely Nothing Wrong being ‘below pretty’. The word ugly was created just to add extra vocabulary in the human-being-mean dictionary. It is merely a word used as often as stupid does.. yet not as easily forgotten. To those that believe them, it magically comes true.

It is inevitable that beauty captures attention. BUT,
Being pretty ugly can be pretty awesome too. Apparently because :

1. People will love you for who you are
  • Rest assured. If anyone’s interested in you despite how imaginary-ugly you assume you are, the chances are they like YOU, not your looks. Period. Consider yourself lucky because these kind of people are quite rare and almost extinct! Quite a catch huh.
2. Healthier
  • Hate your big nose? Well, don't. Bigger nose are healthier! Mouth-breathing are so lame. Thanks to your large nostril, germs would think twice before going in, fearing they might get lost on the way. How cool is that?
  • Shorter people live longer too. They also make good Limbo dancers. It’s proven since the longest living people are from Japan with the elderly average height of 4’9”. Still, accidents happen.
3. More Mr. Cash in your wallet
  • Cosmetics? Spa? You don’t need them. You’re secured,financially. Looks vs money. I’d pick money anytime.
4. More Me Time
  • Since Snow White get so much attention from her evil stepmother, she can’t barely make time for blogging or putting up her status in Facebook. With only 24 hours a day, pretty ugly people have more time for themself. Wrapped up in their own world, they’d make good bloggers ,inspiring writers and awesome hackers.
5. We are the majority
  • Believe it or not, we dominate the world. We can easily take over the world now.

No one is butt ugly unless they feel they are.  We might not like what we see in the mirror but when you feel ugly, definitely you can’t feel pretty. May it be your nose, eyes, skin or lips, they’re never perfect to begin with. Nevertheless, nothing short of unique in its own way. Like how Sylvester Stallone can’t be Rambo without his crooked mouth or Wesley Snipes won’t be Blade if he hadn’t been black. Rather than hating how we look, we might as well embrace it. Before you know it, ugly might be the next beauty.

~The most beautiful thing in the world is the world itself.~

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