Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Days of Driving – Part 2

Can you see that piece of cello tape?

Cello tape??
There. (Pointing).
I don’t see any. (Confused, my eyes were frantically looking outside the car).
Right there! Honestly!
Where are you putting your eyes at ??
(Furiously pointing at the window).

(Intimidated. Come on eyes! Cello tape! Fast!). Oh, THAT Cello tape. Sticking at the window? I thought you were pointing outside.

Anyways, when you reversed the car, stop as soon as the first parking sign pole is somewhere within the same line as the cello tape.
Okay… (Ears ringing).
That was the starting of my first parking lesson.
At the first sign of idiocy, my teacher was quick to snap. With crushed enthusiasm, I couldn’t grasp how the wheel works when reversing. Should the wheel go right or left? Constantly questioning myself, I made more mistakes that I intended. My teacher, instead of being a figure of encouragement, effortlessly emitted sounds that I interpreted as pure annoyance.
Panic, scared and irritated, learning was anything but easy. Focusing was harder. Suddenly, my brain was a separate entity from my body. Forget the trauma of solving mathematical Pythagoras Theorem, THIS was by far a lot worst.
Assuming that I was making my own rules, she concluded the lesson after a mere 15 minutes.

Before, I waited half an hour because someone else was late. It even took me half an hour just to get here. Now, I got a lame 15 minutes parking lesson?? Unbelievable!

Unfastening the seat belt, I took a long deep breath. I was determined to give her a piece of my mind. Or rather, I felt like screaming at the top of my lung.

Then, just before I allowed myself being possessed by the devil, at the spur of the moment, another student came up. Giving me the confused look of ‘What’s taking you so long?’, my heart gave out. All is lost but honour. Barnicles!
~ To be angry is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way… that is not easy. ~

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