Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Days of Driving

Last time I checked. cars are a luxury. Nowadays, it's like having an i-phone. Unless you're Adam Lerner in 50/50 with a brain tumor and friends/girlfriend as your chauffeur, not knowing to drive one is a huge NO NO.

I'd always find driving as rather unsettling. Behind the wheels, most people somehow hulked into an extra crispy Michael Schumacher. Everyones on the rush. There's a chance you might end up being road kill or splattered lasagna.

So, recently, I decided to take my driving licence. BIG DEAL right? So, I thought.

My first driving lesson was nothing unusual. It was a new experience. Yet, it wasn't impossible. Yeah, I can do this....

1. Fasten your seat belt.
2. Check the mirrors, adjust your seat position.
3. Start the engine.
4. Press the clutch.
5. Jab in the first gear.
6. Release the hand brake.
7. Release the clutch slowly
8. Step on the accelerator.

Magically, the car started to move and..there I was. Driving. For the first time.Eventhough I drove like a fat snake without direction, but yes, I did it!
Sheeessh. It wasn't as hard as I thought.

My second driving lesson however requires me to drive on the road.

Being quite the mice, I was unsure of myself . The word Splattered Lasagna kept playing in my mind. Still, I stepped on the accelerator,  like a fat snake towards the road. Quite a few times , the engine shuts down as I released the clutch too fast. So, there I was, making my own private traffic congestion. Instead of making u-turns, I'd make w-turns and went to the other road (It was reflexes!). That irritated my teacher and I got a good scolding since I caused her to be late for the next student. I really felt like throwing up.

Arriving home, my dad asked, "How was it?
"Piece of cake Dad."
(Me, sucking it up....uwaaa)

~ The thing I don't want to learn is a lesson ~ Homer (Simpson)

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